Utilities - Waste Water Outside Vendor |
Expense |
6895 |
Expense for waste water-outside vendors Use: Waste Water service provided by external vendors. I.E. Town of Ithaca Sewer, Town of … Sewer |
Interdept-PAR (Project Approval Req) Tax |
Expense |
6727 |
Expenses for PAR (Project Approval Request) Tax related to an approved PAR. Central Use Only. |
Interdept - Project Management Fees |
Expense |
6726 |
Expenses for Project Management Fees related to an approved PAR (Project Approval Request). Central Use Only. |
Unleaded & Diesel Fuel |
Expense |
6415 |
External expenses for Fuel. Use: Fuel for vehicles and equipment. Payment of gas cards (Mobil, Sunoco, Kwik Fill, etc.) |
Rental - Misc. |
Expense |
6255 |
External rental expense for: booths, park pavilion, storage rentals, and equipment. Agreements with a term of less than one year. Use 6210 - 6240 for rentals with signed lease agreements greater than one year, 6385 for rentals associated with hosted events and 6631 for interdepartmental room and rental. Not to be used for travel related auto rental. |
Indirect Cost - Gifts - Expense |
Expense |
9080 |
Facilities and administrative costs associated with restricted gifts. Charge typically occurs systematically based on a percentage (Indirect Cost Rate) of expenditures. Also referred to as Indirect Costs or F&A. DFS use only. |
F&A Recovery - Expense |
Expense |
9070 |
Facilities and administrative costs generally associated with contract and grants funds (Fund CG). Charge typically occurs systematically based on a percentage (Indirect Cost Rate) of expenditures. Also referred to as Indirect Costs or F&A. DFS use only. |
Retainage - Liability |
Liability |
2070 |
FACILITIES and DFS USE ONLY. A portion of the agreed upon contract price deliberately withheld until the work is substantially complete to assure that contractor or subcontractor will satisfy its obligations and complete a construction project. |
Services - Hazardous Materials Removal |
Expense |
6715 |
Facilities use only. Used for removal of hazardous materials such as asbestos, lead, chemicals, etc. by external vendors. |
Transfer In - from Capital Projects |
Income |
7065 |
FACILITIES/DFS USE ONLY. Used in the account receiving funds from a capital project (PLCIP/PLSUCF) account. |
Federal Unallowable - Food and Beverage |
Expense |
6425 |
Federal Unallowable food and beverage including alcohol Use: Non Travel related food and beverage |
Fees - Application |
Income |
4230 |
Fees assessed to individuals applying to a college, professional school, or academic program at Cornell. Use not Limited |
Participant Support - Fees |
Expense |
9098 |
Fees to enable an individual's participation in a formal university conference or training project as defined in 2 CFR 200.75. Fees paid by the participant may include laboratory fees, passport/visa fees for foreign participants, or registration fees. Example REU, MARC, RET programs. Excluded from MTDC. |
Revenue - Corporate Sponsorships |
Income |
4100 |
Financial backing by external parties of a public interest event or program in which the firm's name is displayed or announced as a supporter of the event. Contact DFS General Accounting (accounting@cornell.edu) before using. |
Distribution of Gift Funds |
Income |
4349 |
For distribution of gift funds from original account receiving the gift to other accounts that will be used to manage expenditures. The accounts receiving the gift distributions MUST be used for the same purpose and have the same subfund - can only distribute from RGGIFT to another RGGIFT (for TR gifts), or from GNDEPT to another GNDEPT (for UR gifts). This code can only be used on a Transfer of Funds edoc, and must always net to zero. Edoc explanation must reference the original gift account (which has the donor restriction documentation). |
Academic - Special Professor |
Expense |
5025 |
For long term, non-tenure track, benefits-eligible faculty who serve an essential teaching function in a clinical setting. Used in the following job codes: 11311, 11313, 11314, 11461, 11462, 11463, 11656 and 11657.
While faculty members of this rank may have additional research, service, or outreach obligations, teaching is their primary responsibility. The title may not be used for positions whose responsibilities largely replicate those of tenure-track faculty. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %. |
Budget - Capital Expense |
Expense |
3995 |
Capital Construction - Renovations |
Expense |
3950 |
For use only in accounts with a sub-fund group code of PLCIP or PLSUCF. Used to record construction project renovation costs. |
Capital Construction - Fixed Equipment |
Expense |
3970 |
For use only in accounts with a sub-fund group code of PLCIP or PLSUCF. Used to record Fixed Equipment (non-moveable, permanently attached equipment) purchased in a construction project account. |
Capital Construction-Moveable Equipment |
Expense |
3975 |
For use only in accounts with a sub-fund group code of PLCIP or PLSUCF. Used to record Moveable Equipment (easily transportable equipment) purchased in a construction project account. |