Maintenance Prevention - Equipment |
Expense |
6475 |
Scheduled activities to ensure regulatory compliance, or keep equipment or software operating, or extend the useful life of equipment or software. Preventive maintenance costs should not be capitalized. Use: External providers of preventative maintenance services for equipment, vehicles, owned copiers, etc. |
Interdept Maint Prevent - Facilities |
Expense |
6440 |
Scheduled activities to insure regulatory compliance, or keep a building system operating, or extend the useful life of a component, or improve reliability of the building system or component. Preventive maintenance costs should not be capitalized. Use: Facilities is the primary user of this code. |
Maintenance Prevention - Facilities |
Expense |
6445 |
Scheduled activities to insure regulatory compliance, or keep a building system operating, or extend the useful life of a component, or improve reliability of the building system or component. Preventive maintenance costs should not be capitalized. Use: External providers of preventative maintenance services for campus facilities. |
Interdept Maint Prevent - Equipment |
Expense |
6470 |
Scheduled activities to insure regulatory compliance, or keep equipment operating, or extend the useful life of equipment. Preventive maintenance costs should not be capitalized. Use: Facilities is the primary user of this code. |
Interdept - CIT Server Farm |
Expense |
6603 |
Server Farm charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Services - Trash,Composting, Recycling |
Expense |
6710 |
Services - Trash,Composting, Recycling |
Nonexempt - Technical, Redistribution |
Expense |
5340 |
Similar to 5320. Not used for Payroll. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Nonexempt - Union, Redistribution |
Expense |
5370 |
Similar to 5340. Not used for Payroll. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Tips Non-student |
Liability |
5298 |
Special code used by Statler Hotel to hold tips for non-students. This acts like a payroll code so it can be used by the payroll system. Use: Tips earned at Statler Hotel. Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %. |
Tips Student |
Liability |
5299 |
Special code used by Statler Hotel to hold tips for students. This acts like a payroll code so it can be used by the payroll system. Use: Tips earned at Statler Hotel. Zero fringe rate. |
Cash Drawer |
Asset |
1101 |
Specific amount of cash used to make change in retail operations. (register drawer or vault) Use: Reconciliation of cash drawers should be done every day the drawer is used and periodically if the drawer is not used regularly |
Startup Investment Expense |
Expense |
6975 |
Start up expenses for Cornell Tech |
Interdept - CIT Storage Farm |
Expense |
6602 |
Storage Farm charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Encumbrance Offset |
Fund Balance |
3110 |
System generated fund balance offset created when an encumbrance transaction is processed. |
Loss on the Disposition of Assets |
Expense |
6395 |
SYSTEM USE ONLY. Represents the undepreciated value of retired capital assets |
Tfer from - Year End Closing |
Income |
3059 |
SYSTEM USE ONLY. Used by KFS for account reversions during year end processes. |
Capital Asset Adjustment |
Expense |
3760 |
SYSTEM USE ONLY. Used when previously retired asset records are reintroduced to CAM. |
Interdept CIT - Telecom Recurring |
Expense |
6126 |
Telephone related monthly service charge from CIT. Use: CIT only |
Interdept CIT - Telephone Equipment |
Expense |
6116 |
Telephone/data related equipment from CIT. Use: CIT only |
Telecommunication - Equipment |
Expense |
6110 |
Telephone/data related equipment. Fire alarms equipment, bluelights and 911 trunks. Use: External vendors |