Prizes - Non-Student |
Expense |
6367 |
Prizes or awards for individuals other than CU students. E.g. CU administers a national award for the best play, and issues a payment to an author not at Cornell. Caution: prize payments to CU employees must go through the payroll system using a compensation object code. Use: prizes for non-students. |
Gain on Sale of Assets |
Income |
4800 |
Proceeds from the sale of University owned capital or non-capital assets. Use: Used for the gains on a sale of a capital or non-capital asset to an entity outside the University. Use 4850 for internal sales. |
Pledge Change in Balance |
Income |
4310 |
Promises made by donors to make a gift in support of university operations at a future date. Limited to University Controller |
Capital Acq - Land |
Expense |
3700 |
REAL ESTATE OFFICE USE ONLY. Used when acquiring land. Will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Will result in a capital asset record in CAM. |
Department Overhead Expense |
Expense |
9035 |
Reallocation of internal Unit/College overhead charges to other departments within the Unit/College. Object code activity must always net to zero. Not for central University charges. Use not limited. |
Sales Discounts |
Income |
4000 |
Reduction of sales price to encourage additional purchases, prompt payment, or other customer behavior. Use not limited |
Healthcare Contractual Allowance |
Income |
4015 |
Reduction to health care fees and services based on contractual agreements with insurance companies. Limited to Cornell Health use only. |
Revenue - Real Estate Rental |
Income |
4070 |
Rents paid by external customers for the use of rooms, facilities, university-owned housing, etc. Cornell's Real Estate Department should be involved in rental of any university-owned or university-leased real estate. Use not limited |
Insurance Payment for Repairs |
Expense |
6195 |
Repair costs that will be reimbursed from Risk Management. Use: Risk Management will use this code to reimburse your repair costs covered by self insurance. |
Restricted Cash |
Asset |
1120 |
Represents cash received and being held for a restricted purpose (ie security deposit) |
Cash In Bank |
Asset |
1110 |
Represents the actual cash deposited in Cornell's bank accounts. Use: Automatically populated by KFS when an advance deposit (AD) is completed. |
Revenue - Student Insurance Premiums |
Income |
4065 |
Revenue code for Student Health Insurance Premiums. Use limited to Gannett Health Services. |
Revenue - Athletic Revenue |
Income |
4260 |
Revenue from athletic department activities. Use: Limited to Athletics department |
Revenue - Student Dining Campus Life |
Income |
4250 |
Revenue from external customers for "student dining plan". Limited to Student Affairs |
Revenue - Student Housing and Dining |
Income |
4241 |
Revenue from external customers for "Student Housing or Dining". Use not limited |
Revenue - Conferences Enterprise |
Income |
4032 |
Revenue from external customers for participation in university-hosted conferences (including housing, dining, registration, and other fees when applicable). Limited to Campus Life or Campus Store |
Revenue - Conferences |
Income |
4030 |
Revenue from external customers for participation in university-hosted conferences (including housing, dining, registration, and other fees when applicable). Use not limited |
Revenue - Other -Enterprise |
Income |
4112 |
Revenue from external customers for transactions not otherwise described in the revenue object code table. Includes, but is not limited to: non-accredited summer programs. Limited to Campus Life or Campus Store |
Revenue - Other |
Income |
4110 |
Revenue from external customers for transactions not otherwise described in the revenue object code table. Includes, but is not limited to: non-accredited summer programs. Use not limited |
Revenue - Royalty |
Income |
4090 |
Revenue from external parties for use of university "intangible property," such as copyrighted works, patented inventions, mineral rights, photographs, etc. Use not limited |