Utilities - Waste Water Outside Vendor |
Expense |
6895 |
Expense for waste water-outside vendors Use: Waste Water service provided by external vendors. I.E. Town of Ithaca Sewer, Town of … Sewer |
Interdept - Utilities - Waste Water |
Expense |
6890 |
Interdepartmental expense for waste water Use: Waste Water service provided by Cornell dept. |
Utilities - Potable Water Outside Vendor |
Expense |
6885 |
Expense for potable water-outside vendors Use: Potable Water purchased from external vendors. I.E. Town of Ithaca Water, Seneca Water, local municipality |
Interdept - Utilities - Potable Water |
Expense |
6880 |
Interdepartmental expense for potable water Use: Potable Water provided by Cornell generating dept. |
Interdept - Utilities -Exempt Electrical |
Expense |
6879 |
Interdepartmental expense for electricity. Excluded from MTDC. Use limited to CLASSE or with approval by DFS. |
Utilities - Electrical Outside Vendor |
Expense |
6875 |
Expense for electiric-outside vendors Use: Electric purchased from external vendors. I.E. NYSEG, RG&E, ConEdison |
Interdept - Utilities - Electrical |
Expense |
6870 |
Interdepartmental expense for electricity Use: Electric provided by Cornell generating dept. |
Interdept - Utilities - Chilled Water |
Expense |
6860 |
Interdepartmental expense for chilled water Use: Chilled Water provided by Cornell generating dept. |
Utilities - Natural Gas Outside Vendor |
Expense |
6855 |
Expense for natural gas-outside vendors Use: Natural Gas purchased from external vendors. I.E. Hess Natural Gas, NYSEG, RG&E |
Interdept - Utilities - Natural Gas |
Expense |
6850 |
Interdepartmental expense for natural gas Use: Natural Gas provided by Cornell generating dept. |
Utilities - Bio Fuel Outside Vendor |
Expense |
6840 |
Expense for bio fuel-outside vendors Use: Bio Fuel purchased from external vendors. I.E. Agway |
Utilities - Liq Propane Gas Outside Vend |
Expense |
6830 |
Expense for liquid propane gas-outside vendors Use: Liquid Propane purchased from external vendors. I.E. Amerigas, Ehrhart |
Utilities - Fuel Oil/Kero Outside Vendor |
Expense |
6820 |
Expense for fuel oil/kerosene-outside vendors Use: Fuel Oil/Kero purchased from external vendors, I.E. Griffith Energy, |
Utilities - Storm Water Outside Vendor |
Expense |
6815 |
Expense for storm water from external vendors. Use: Not limited |
Interdept - Utilities - Steam |
Expense |
6800 |
Interdepartmental expense for steam Use: Steam provided by Cornell generating dept. |
Travel - Federal Unallow (non-employee) |
Expense |
6781 |
Expenditures for non-employee travel and subsistence that
are classified as nonrecoverable according to federal cost principles. Use: Alcohol, travel upgrade, etc. |
Travel - Federal Unallowable |
Expense |
6780 |
Expenditures for travel and subsistence that are classified as nonrecoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: Alcohol, travel upgrade, etc. |
Interdept - Travel - Fleet Garage |
Expense |
6770 |
Expenditures associated with the use of a vehicle from Fleet Operations. Use: Fleet garage, Campus to Campus |
Travel, Foreign, Student,Mission-related |
Expense |
6762 |
Expenditures for foreign travel that the university considers to be travel outside the fifty states, its possessions, or its territories. Use: For class trip or mission related educational travel of students, normally paid through the travel reimbursement process. All fees associated with a trip should be charged to the travel object code. Not for Business-related travel, nor student travel grants. See policy 3.2 for further details. |
Travel - Foreign (non-employee) |
Expense |
6761 |
Expenditures for non employee foreign travel outside the
fifty states, its possessions, or its territories. Use: For travel funded by a sponsored project, consult the contractual documents for the sponsor's definition of foreign. All fees associated with a trip should be charged to the travel object code. |