Internal Interest CCNY |
Expense |
6930 |
Monthly interest expense related to CCNY internal loans. DFS use only. |
Bond Issuance Costs Interest |
Expense |
6929 |
Monthly interest related to the amortization of Issuance Costs associated with the issuance of External Bond Debt. DFS Plant Accounting and WCMC Use Only. |
Bond Premium Interest |
Expense |
6928 |
Monthly interest related to the amortization of Premiums associated with the issuance of External Bond Debt. DFS Plant Accounting and WCMC Use Only. |
Capital Lease Equip Interest |
Expense |
6927 |
Interest expense related to capital equipment leases. Use: Not limited |
Capitalized RE Lease Interest |
Expense |
6926 |
Interest expense related to capital real estate leases. Use: Not limited |
Budget - CG Unexpended - DFS Use Only |
Expense |
6925 |
DFS Use Only- Contract and grant funds that are authorized but unexpended. Provides reporting on how much units/faculty have not spent. |
Internal Interest WCMC |
Expense |
6924 |
Monthly interest expense related to WCMC internal loans. DFS and WCMC use only. |
Capitalized Interest Expense |
Expense |
6923 |
The Interest added to the cost of a self-constructed, long-term asset. The interest on debt used to finance the asset's construction Use: Plant Accounting only |
Interest Prompt |
Expense |
6921 |
Expenditures for interest, over $10.00, that New York State pays on behalf of the university, for payments made after the net 30 day requirement. Based on New York State Legislation, these disbursements are brought to the attention of DFS Use: |
External Debt Interest |
Expense |
6920 |
Interest payments for external debt. Use: |
Budget - CG Participant Support Costs |
Expense |
6915 |
Budget C&G: Used to budget Participant Support Costs for sponsored agreements. Use: Budget only. |
Budget - CG Limitation of Funds |
Expense |
6905 |
Budget C&G: Used to record limitations of funding by an agency/sponsor. The line item budget is entered as proposed and the limitation is recorded as a negative on 6905. i.e. We may budget $500,000, but the agency may only award $350,000 at this time and then provide the $150,000 at a future date. |
Budget - General Expense |
Expense |
6900 |
Used to budget general expense where detail is not required. Use: Budget only. |
Utilities - Other |
Expense |
6896 |
Any utility not covered in object codes 6790 to 6895. Use: Utility bill where source is not identified. |
Utilities - Waste Water Outside Vendor |
Expense |
6895 |
Expense for waste water-outside vendors Use: Waste Water service provided by external vendors. I.E. Town of Ithaca Sewer, Town of … Sewer |
Interdept - Utilities - Waste Water |
Expense |
6890 |
Interdepartmental expense for waste water Use: Waste Water service provided by Cornell dept. |
Utilities - Potable Water Outside Vendor |
Expense |
6885 |
Expense for potable water-outside vendors Use: Potable Water purchased from external vendors. I.E. Town of Ithaca Water, Seneca Water, local municipality |
Interdept - Utilities - Potable Water |
Expense |
6880 |
Interdepartmental expense for potable water Use: Potable Water provided by Cornell generating dept. |
Interdept - Utilities -Exempt Electrical |
Expense |
6879 |
Interdepartmental expense for electricity. Excluded from MTDC. Use limited to CLASSE or with approval by DFS. |
Utilities - Electrical Outside Vendor |
Expense |
6875 |
Expense for electiric-outside vendors Use: Electric purchased from external vendors. I.E. NYSEG, RG&E, ConEdison |