Transfer In - Provost-Subvention |
Income |
7095 |
BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY. For distribution of the Provost subvention. Units may budget on this object code. Must be used with 8095. |
Transfer In-Provost-Subvention-Limited |
Income |
7096 |
BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY. For distribution of the Provost subvention for limited commitments. Units may budget on this object code. Must be used with 8096. |
Capital Equipment - Trade In |
Expense |
7099 |
To record the value of a trade-in, debit the capital object code used for the new asset, and credit object code 7099 for the amount of the trade-in. The will properly record the value of the new asset to include the actual purchase price plus the trade-in value. |
Non Operating- Cap Proj PAR - Budget |
Expense |
7235 |
DFS USE ONLY. Used in PAR (PLCIP) project accounts to recorded PAR budget - CB balance type |
Transfer Out - to Current Operating |
Expense |
8000 |
Used in the account providing funds to an operating account (Fund GN or RG). If accounts on both sides of transfer are in the same fund group, 707x/807x may be a better choice. REMINDER: Do NOT transfer between restriction classes! |
Transfer Out-to Cent Bdgt Curr Op-UBO |
Expense |
8004 |
University Budget Office (UBO) use only. Used in an account providing funds when transferring to a Central UBO current operating account (Fund GN) |
Transfer Out - to Debt Service |
Expense |
8005 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account that is making payments to an internal loan (DBINTL) account. DFS USE ONLY. |
Transfer Out - to True Endowment |
Expense |
8020 |
AAD/DFS USE ONLY. Used in trust or CU Foundation accounts when funds are designated for a true endowment. |
Transfer Out - to FFE |
Expense |
8030 |
Used in the operating account providing funds to a funds functioning as endowment (FFE). REMINDER: Do NOT transfer between restriction classes! |
Transfer Out - to Capital Projects/CIP |
Expense |
8035 |
Used in either an operating or a reserve account that is providing funds for a capital project (PLCIP/PLSUCF). |
Transfer Out-to Renewal & Replacement |
Expense |
8040 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a Renewal and Replacement Reserve (RVREPL) account. |
Transfer Out- to Capital Reserve |
Expense |
8041 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a Capital Reserve (RVCAPT) account. |
Transfer Out - to General Reserves |
Expense |
8045 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a General Reserve (RVGENL) account. |
Transfer Out - to Faculty Renewal Resvs |
Expense |
8046 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a Faculty Renewal Reserve (RVFCTY) account. |
Transfer Out - to Medical College |
Expense |
8050 |
Used in the operating account providing funds to Weill Cornell Medical College (C7910XX). |
Transfer Out - to Faculty Start-up |
Expense |
8055 |
Used in the operating account (Fund GN or RG) providing funds to another operating account specifically set up hold a faculty member's start-up funding. |
Transfer Out - to Contingency |
Expense |
8056 |
Used to move contingency funds to non-operating contingency sub-fund program, part of strategic initiatives sub-fund. |
Transfer Out - to Capital Long Term |
Expense |
8057 |
Used to move funds to the non-operating, capital long-term fund, part of the strategic initiatives sub-fund |
Transfer Out - Intrafund |
Expense |
8070 |
Used in the account providing funds; accounts on both sides of transfer are in same FUND group (i.e. GN to GN, RG to RG). This object code must always be used with 7070. |
Transfer Out - Intrafund- Between Units |
Expense |
8075 |
Used in the account providing the funds; accounts on both sides of transfer are in same FUND group (i.e. GN to GN, RG to RG) AND in different college or division. This object code must always be used with 7075. |