Transfer In - from FFE |
Income |
7030 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a funds functioning as endowment (FFE). REMINDER: Do NOT transfer between restriction classes! |
Transfer In-from Renewal & Replacement |
Income |
7040 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a Renewal and Replacement Reserve (RVREPL) account. |
Transfer In-from Capital Reserve |
Income |
7041 |
Used in the capital project (PLCIP) account receiving funds from a Capital Reserve (RVCAPT) account. |
Transfer In-from Plant Gift |
Income |
7042 |
Used in the capital project (PLCIP) account receiving funds from a Plant Gift (PLGIFT) account. |
Transfer in-from Restricted Gift -RGGIFT |
Income |
7043 |
Used in the capital project (PLCIP) account receiving funds from a Restricted Gift (RGGIFT) account. |
Transfer In - from General Reserves |
Income |
7045 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a general reserve (RVGENL) account. (Also used when a general reserve provides funding for a capital project or is transferred to an FFE.) |
Transfer In - from Faculty Renewal Resvs |
Income |
7046 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a Faculty Renewal Reserve (RVFCTY) account. |
Transfer In - from Medical College |
Income |
7050 |
Used in the operating account receiving funds from Weill Cornell Medical College (C7910XX). |
Transfer In - from Contingency |
Income |
7056 |
Used to move funds from non-operating contingency sub-fund program, part of strategic initiatives sub-fund |
Transfer In - from Capital Long-Term |
Income |
7057 |
Used to move funds from the non-operating, capital long-term fund, part of the strategic initiatives sub-fund |
Transfer In-frm Intrnl Treasry Loan Prog |
Income |
7058 |
DFS USE ONLY: Used to move funds from Internal Treasury loan program. |
Prior Year Gift Adj only-MUST EQUAL 0 |
Income |
7060 |
AAD/DFS USE ONLY. Used to transfer prior year gifts from one account to another. The restriction class on the account must be the same. This object code is used on both sided of the transaction with the net affect to the current year being zero. |
Transfer In - from Capital Projects |
Income |
7065 |
FACILITIES/DFS USE ONLY. Used in the account receiving funds from a capital project (PLCIP/PLSUCF) account. |
Transfer In - Intrafund |
Income |
7070 |
Used in the account receiving funds; accounts on both sides of transfer are in same FUND group (i.e. GN to GN, RG to RG). This object code must always be used with 8070. |
Transfer In - Intrafund- Between Units |
Income |
7075 |
Used in the account receiving funds; accounts on both sides of transfer are in same FUND group (i.e. GN to GN, RG to RG) AND in different college or division. This object code must always be used with 8075. |
Transfer In - DFS ONLY-Between UR & TR |
Income |
7080 |
DFS USE ONLY. Transfer between accounts with different restriction classifications, UR and TR only. Must be used with 8080. |
Transfer In - DFS ONLY- From PLGIFT |
Income |
7085 |
DFS USE ONLY. Transfer between PLGIFT and GNDEPT accounts that have different restriction classifications, TR and UR only. Must be used with 8085. |
Transfer In - University Space Fee |
Income |
7087 |
Used to record the University Space Fee in a Central Account. Must be used with 8087. |
Transfer In - Provost-Univ Support Pool |
Income |
7090 |
BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY. For collection and distribution of the University Support Pool. Units may budget on this object code. Must be used with 8090. |
Transfer In - Provost-Allocated Cost |
Income |
7093 |
BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY. For collection and distribution of Allocated Costs. Units may budget on this object code. Must be used with 8093. |